Tuesday, September 27, 2011

MOMA Store in San Francisco

We hopped on the BART to the Financial District of San Francisco to check out the Urban Art Gallery, 1 am (more about this gallery, soon) and MOMA

I've heard from several sources that the SF MOMA Museum store and it was the icing on the cake after viewing the Dieter Rams exhibition.  I felt like skipping through the hallways, even though it was filled with other guests, and grabbing everything I saw to stare at it, touch it and sometimes even smell it.  It was like a gingerbread house decorated with terrific reference books, fun home decor items, toys and knick knacks.

One of the first things I noticed was the whimsically decorated children section. The paper mobiles looked a bunch of hot air balloons had found their way to the MOMA sky.

Here are some of my favourites that took all my will power to walk away from:

Balloon book ends, pretty and colourful carafe and glass, and doll figurines.

Ultra Flat clock
Green Pals

Neoprene Basket

I really wished I had bought this little guy because I adore my scooter:

Check out there online store to see what else they have!

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